Luna was a superstar!
She had bad joints from a young age but fuelled on pure zest for life she ignored pain and discomfort and insisted on agility, gundog training, rally obedience fun, playing with friends and much, much more!
She cost me a fortune in disability aids, pet insurance, competition entries, surgeries and memory foam but was worth every single penny. I always thought I’d have to make a difficult quality of life decision for her because she could end up tortured by her body letting her down, I grieved for her for years before she died.
It was so unfair that my girl was not fit and well. I thought I’d be lucky if she made her tenth birthday and lung cancer stole her 34 days before it. I was lucky!
It’s been 2 years and 4 months tomorrow since I last threw her a football to chase. Her ashes are with her trophies, memories of the fun and adventures we enjoyed together. She’s with me all the time, photos, drawings, paintings, I’ve been lucky to have her life documented and it’s a comfort to have memories surround me.
Gosh I loved that girl, she taught me so much… seize life, take chances and live to have fun!
A vet appointment can be made, brought forward, cancelled, attended for a chat, it doesn’t have to be ‘the one’ unless it is.